This Program teaches employers, management and appointed
personnel how to organise and put in place a safe work environment
and to ensure the health, safety and security of personnel and others in
the workplace. The Program teaches and explains how to conduct risk
assessments and to identify hazards and risks, and explains many
types and categories of risks in many workplaces including
construction sites, schools, restaurants, hotels, factories and
stores - and how to overcome them. Implementing the knowledge
taught and advice given in this Program will help avoid accidents which can affect employees and employers and help avoid injury, reduced output, accident investigation and legal costs. The Program deals with accident-prevention actions, risk assessment and implementation of health and safety rules and measures, including for COVID-19.
(1) Anybody enrolling for this Programme before 31st March 2023 will also be enrolled FREE for a Course on Leadership & Organisation; the only requirement is that you provide your personal email address to the College on enrolment.
(2) During the “Covid-19” (Corona) virus pandemic and in lock-down periods, affected Members may be allowed to take Assignments (home-based course work) instead of or in addition to sitting Examinations to complete the Programme; details can be provided on request after enrolment onto the Programme.
Module 1 - Managing Health & Safety in the Workplace
Why H & S measures are essential, legal requirements, management’s responsibilities.
H & S issues relating to employees, visitors to the workplace, consumers of products; hazards, risks
Risk assessment, aims, identification, consultations, controlling identified risks, documentation, actions
The Health & Safety policy, investigating accidents and “near misses”, changes in the workplace
Module 2 - Providing a Safe Place to Work In
The variety of workplaces, creating a safe workplace, buildings, the work environment, maintenance
Workplace layout, efficient and safe use of space, reducing movements, noise reduction
Toilets, hygiene, housekeeping, cleanliness, obstructions, machinery, inspections, safety devices
Accident prevention, fire drills, slip and trip injuries, floors, spillages, doors, cables, warning signs
Module 3 - General Fire Safety
Sources of ignition, fuel and oxygen in workplaces, why fires can spread, preventing the spread of fire
Fire risk assessments, fire surveys, fire certificates, combustible materials, heat transmission
Eliminating fire hazards, safe storage, warning notices, security and fire prevention regulations
Fire alarm systems, evacuation procedures, fire-fighting equipment, smoke detectors, fire extinguishers
Module 4 - Working at Height, Building & Construction Work
Causes of falls, accident prevention measures, training of employees, safe access, protecting workers
Safety measures for ladders, step ladders, mobile elevation platforms, roof work; inspections, checks Hazards on building and construction sites; duties of clients, contractors and supervisors, waste disposal
Fire avoidance, securing safe site boundaries, protecting the public, traffic control, specific hazards
Module 5 - Safe Use of Equipment in the Workplace
Responsibilities, training, equipment hazards, moving parts, harmful emissions, operational rules
Safety guards on equipment, the right controls and positioning, avoiding accidents and damage
Safety working with mobile equipment, hand-held tools, in confined spaces, gas and high pressures
Equipment checks and maintenance, schedules, power supply, protective clothing and equipment
Module 6 - Transport in the Workplace and Materials Handling
Hazards associated with transport and movement of people and materials, equipment safety
Route planning, vehicle risks, minimising journey distances, pedestrian lanes, aisles, alarms, seat belts
Manual and powered materials handling, manual handling equipment, safe materials handling system
Powered handling, advantages, equipment, tractors, forklifts, cranes, training of operators, signals
Module 7 - Safe Use of Electricity in the Workplace, Noise and Vibration Issues
Electrical current, circuits, installations, amps, voltage, conductors, insulators, resistors, fuses, plugs
Hazards with electricity, shocks, burns, fires, explosions, power cables, assessing and reducing risks
Noise in the workplace, risks and controls, noise level, noise problems, noise reduction, protection
Vibrations at work, hand-arm vibration syndrome, assessing vibration risks, actions to take, surveillance
Module 8 - Hazardous Substances and Dangerous Radiations in the Workplace
Harmful solids, liquids, powders, gases, dusts, fumes, health risks, assessing risks, controlling exposure
Specific problems and prevention, banned substances, asbestos, lead, occupational skin diseases
Radiation in industry, ionizing and non-ionizing radiations, exposure, actions to manage risks
Flammable and explosive substances, types, precautions, safe storage and transportation
Module 9 - Health & Safety in Kitchens and Eating Places
The catering sector, duty of care to consumers, the role of H & S enforcement officers
Food preparation, kitchens, hazards, bacteria, contamination control, cleaning, safety, kitchen refuse Preventing accidents, slips, trips, hot surfaces, equipment, liquids, knives, glass, dermatitis, chemicals
Food and catering premises, cleaning schedules, dining areas, service, crockery, tables, hygiene
Module 10 - Psychological Health Hazards in the Workplace
Anxiety, depression, work-related stress; effects, causes, work conditions, dealing with stress, change
Job design, work organisation, balancing job demands and pressure, job security, communications
Employee counselling, joint problem solving, two-way discussions, avoiding disciplinary action
The HR/personnel policy, fairness, equality of treatment, avoiding harassment, equal opportunities
Module 11 - Health and Safety in Educational Establishments
Schools as workplaces, employers, employees, pupils, parents; hazards and risks in schools
Main types of injuries, sports, slips, trips, stairs, playgrounds; supervision, behaviour, hazard surveillance
Responsibilities of school employers and employees, school health & safety policy, activities, the law
School security, protecting pupils, staff and school property, access control, first aid, medical facilities; COVID-19 safety principles, symptoms, physical distancing, guidelines, posters, communicating with parents
Module 12 - Health Protection, First Aid, Equipment, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Provision of facilities, first aiders, needs assessment for the workforce, factors to consider, risks; first aid training, first aid materials and equipment, employers’ liability insurance, liabilities for negligence
Display screen equipment, avoiding physical problems for employees, reducing hazards, benefits
Personal protective equipment (PPE), suitability, types of protection, provision, use, maintenance
COVID-19 and virus outbreaks, symptoms, measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 at work, vaccinations, employee and employer responsibilities, isolation procedures for COVID-19 found in staff.
(A more detailed outline of contents is available on request)
DURATION & ASSESSMENTS The standard Study Period is three years (36 months) but this is flexible; the Programme can be completed in a shorter or longer period if necessary. A qualification showing high-level communication and administration competence, and extensive executive-level knowledge; an excellent basis for career success.