Public Health Science deals with dangers to the public health of a population, whether small or large (i.e. populations of a continent) to improve the quality of health and the quality of life in through detecting and preventing disease and other physical and mental health conditions, promoting health behaviors, ...
- is the science of protecting and improving the health of people and their communities.
This work is achieved by promoting healthy lifestyles, researching disease and
injury prevention, and detecting, preventing and responding to infectious diseases.
To qualify for the job.
For entry level public health jobs, you need to acquire certain credentials that
your college classes vaguely touch upon. Without those credentials, you are not
qualified for the job.
A career seeker would do well to not focus strictly on public health bachelor
degree salary. A public health salary will always look good as the field is only
growing. Contemporary Management, Leadership, Commerce, Enterprises,
Private/Public Companies
Functions of Management, Objectives, Strategy, Tactics, Operations, Quality, Standards
Responsibilities of Management, Seniority, Authority, Subordinates, Customers, Community
Delegation of Responsibility, Review, Business Organisation, Expansion, Structure, Span of Control
Communication in Management, two-way, Vertical/Horizontal, Principles, Oral, Unspoken, Written
Planning, Forecasting, Budgeting, Budgetary Control, Preparation, Master Budget, Variances
Manpower Planning, Specialisation, Recruitment, Applicants, Selection, Interviews, Planning, Trials
Management of Personnel, Induction, Training, Remuneration, Personnel Policy, HR Department
Industrial Relations, Trade Unions, Industrial Action, Collective Bargaining, Joint Consultation
The Manager-Subordinate Relationship, Attitudes of Employers and Employees, Relationships
Management Styles, Leadership, Respect & Loyalty, Disciplinary Action, Counselling, Resignations
Managerial Development, Traits, Attributes, Preparing for Career and Promotion in Management
2. Advanced Management & Administration
The Evolution of Management Theory, Fayol, Weber, Taylor, Mayo, Scientific Management
Organisations, Ownership, Categories of Enterprises, Environmental Interaction, Systems Theory
Structures of Organisations, Growth and Development, Structure and Control, Communication
Motivational Theories, Argyis, Maslow, McGregor; Likert, Herzberg, Vroom, Handy, Psychology
Theories on Leadership, Types, Trait, Style, Groups & Teams, Models, Analysis, Theorists
Strategic Management, Fayol, Chandler, Andrews, Ansoff, BCG Matrix, Porter, SWOT, Analysis
Business Environment, PEST, Competition and Industry Rivalry, Barriers to Entry
Managing Change, Culture, Learning Organisations, Theorists, Entrepreneurship
Mission Statements, Organisation and Strategic Vision, Values and Beliefs, MBWA, MOST
Stakeholders, Shareholder Value, Business Ethics, Corporate & Social Responsibility
Communication Theory, Attitudes and Organisational Behaviour, Models and Theories
Business Ethics, Law, Compliance, Codes of Conduct, Ethical Investment
DURATION & ASSESSMENTS The Study Period is one year (12 months) but this is flexible; the Diploma can be completed in a shorter period, or you can take longer if necessary. An international accredited qualification attesting to valuable, career-based skills, competence and ability. Confidence and ability to undertake higher study.